Zanthe (Primal Impulse Shifters Book 2) Read online

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  “For what?”

  At least she’s keeping up with the conversation.

  It was way too soon to talk about mating with her, I could see that as she glared at me with those crazy hot violet eyes. “So, how about you take me home with you and feed me tonight?” I thought that was a great idea and hoped she would too.

  “I know that you hate this word, but if you want to hear words other than this one, you might think about what you ask before you do it. No!” Freezing in place, she pointed at a deer. “Stop.”

  Seeing my chance to captivate her with my prowess as a fellow animal to the deer, I came up close behind her, whispering in her little ear, “I’ll get it so you can pet it. I’m sort of an animal-whisperer.”

  “I don’t want to…” she stopped talking as I eased toward the deer.

  Eating some berries off a low hanging tree branch, the deer hadn’t noticed me yet. But then one twig snapped beneath my foot and it looked right at me. I looked back into its big, brown eyes, trying to telepathically let it know that I meant it no harm.

  Its nose wiggled, its eyes went huge, then it darted away moving fast as the wind. I knew it had gotten wind of my bear. “Drat.”

  “Yeah, what a surprise.” She laughed as she started walking again. “An animal whisperer, huh? Now that is a line I am sure no man has ever used to try to get a woman into his bed. You’re an original, I’ve got to give you that.”

  That sounds like she likes me.

  “I think you’re an original too. I mean, look at you. You wear your gorgeous black hair in a messy ponytail like you just don’t give a crap. The no-makeup look you’re rocking is a thing most women won’t even try nowadays. You’re fierce. And those clothes are so last year – is how I’ve overheard other girls saying it. But you don’t care, you wear them anyway. You are a real rebel. A real tough cookie.”

  Putting her hands on her hips, she looked me over with a scowl on her face. “Okay, let me give the way you flirt a shot here, Romeo. Your hair looks like you cut it with a dull rock.”

  Oh, she’s good. And accurate. I did cut it with a dull rock. “Very perceptive of you, my dear.”

  “I’m not finished. Your clothes look like they’re from a time of war and great famine. Your beard seems as if it might be full of baby mice, it’s so thick and tangled.” Putting her fingertip to her chin, she pondered me for another moment. “And your breath is most likely putrid. There, that’s my attempt at flirting the way that you do.”

  “Putrid breath?” I put my hand in front of my mouth, cupping it, then breathing into it. Oh, hell! She’s right. “Okay, so when we get to your place, maybe a quick toothbrushing wouldn’t hurt me a bit.”

  “We’re not getting to my place. I will go home, and you will go back to whatever cave you crawled out of, Neanderthal man.” Swaying her ass that was plenty wide and round, she had no idea how enticing she actually was.

  “Hey, wait up.” I hurried to catch up to her. “So, you’re a tour guide. I get that. But I see you doing more than just that. What are your aspirations?”

  “Right now, I aspire to get the hell away from you.” With a look up at the sky that was getting darker by the minute, she sighed. “It’s going to get dark before I get back to the parking lot at the headquarters of the park. I hope no one is up there worried about me.” Her eyes cut to look at me from one side. “I mean, there will be people waiting for my return. I’ve got to hurry. You don’t live this way. You can go on ahead and make your way home.”

  “I’m not afraid to walk in the dark. I’ll make sure you get to where you need to get to before I leave you. I’m not the type of man who leaves a defenseless woman alone when night is about to fall.” The squeaking of bats came from behind us. “Night will fall soon, here come the bats. Come on, tell me what you aspire to do with your life. No one wants to be a tour guide forever, do they?”

  “You’d be surprised. But no, I don’t want to be one forever. But it takes time to take all the classes I’ve got to take to become what I really want.” Stopping to turn around to look at the bats as the swarm moved in a wavy motion toward us, she finally seemed to be letting me in. “Becoming a biologist is my dream. I take classes online to make that happen. But it’s not a fast process. One day though, I will help the animals of the Carpathian Mountains to flourish in their natural environment. The oil and gas industry will have to learn how to coexist with the animals who have been here long before humans ever were.”

  I knew I liked her from the start!

  “I too love animals.”

  “Yeah, I saw that, animal-whisperer.” Once again her light laughter peeled through the air. And with the sound, my heart raced.

  “You’re laugh is intoxicating.” I moved in behind her, following her as she began walking again.

  “You’re getting better at flirting, I see.” Glancing at me as I came up to walk by her side, she smiled at me. “But I have to admit that I like the previous version a bit better. It’s unique. And even a little charming.”

  “Yeah, I am smooth.” Even though it had been years since I’d wooed a female, I still had it in spades. “So, about that meal at your place?”

  “Yeah, not going to happen stud.” With a little hop, she side-stepped some wolf scat. “That’s a big pile of crap there. It means that particular wolf is eating well. And it’s most likely a large animal. But the main thing you want to know about finding poop in an area is that it means the animal calls the place home.”

  I finished her theory, “And that means you must be wary of an attack as wild animals may find your presence threatening – especially if they have their young nearby.” I’d already sniffed the air and knew the wolf wasn’t close enough to smell. “But I think we’re safe right now.”

  “Me too.” She pointed out another pile of crap. “See how dry that is? It means its days old. We’re good to go. It’s the lynxes that you have to watch out for. They are stealthy.”

  “But rarely attack humans,” I added. “I know lots about animals too. If you want me to help you with your biology classes, I bet that I could.” It might get my foot in the door with her. And I would get my foot in the door with her.

  Crina’s scent told me so much about her. She’d never been mated – which was awesome. I would become her first and preferably only mate ever.

  “Do you have a degree?” Although her question was valid, it wasn’t an easy thing to answer.

  “Well, the school of life is what I have a degree in. I’ve lived a long time and have seen and learned many things.” If she had any idea of what all I knew about animals, their habits, their longevity, the softness of their furs, she’d think I was a walking textbook.

  “Something tells me that you’re telling the truth. So, maybe I would like to pick your brain about some things. If you’re not a creep. Which you probably are.”

  I didn’t think I was a creep. “If I begin to act creepy, all you have to do it tell me to stop and I will. I’m not accustomed to how things work all the time.”

  “How’s that?” She looked ahead. “Good, there’s the parking lot lights. We’re not far now.”

  But I didn’t want her to get to where she was going and leave me behind. I have to keep her with me until she sees that I’m no threat.

  “Ow!” I hopped up and down as I held my no longer injured ankle.

  Just as I had thought she would, Crina stopped and turned to look at me. Concern filled her pretty face. “Your leg’s hurting again?”

  “Yes.” Slowly, I fell to a seating position as I kept my hands covering my ankle. “I think the medicine is beginning to wear off.” The medication had been nothing more than a vial of my brother’s blood injected into my jugular vein to join my own immortal bear blood to heal the injury more rapidly. That doesn’t wear off.

  Crouching in front of me, she put her hands over mine. “Let me see. Move your hands.”

  Like I can do that.

  “No. It hurts too badly for you to to
uch it. Plus, it’s grotesque to look at. I’ll be okay. I’m tough.” Looking at her through my lashes, I found so much beauty in her. “But a kiss on the cheek wouldn’t hurt a thing. I think it would help me forget all about the pain too.”

  “Oh, you!” Batting her little fist against my chest, she only made me desire her even more. “Don’t you have a wife at home you’ve seemed to have forgotten about?”

  “No, I do not have a wife at home nor anywhere else.” Not that I’d ever had what one would call a wife. I’d had mates. Most of them I’d only kept around for the mating process then I sent them on their way. A few I let hang around until our cubs were old enough to fend for themselves, then they would leave.

  “You’re kind of old to be all alone.” Standing up, she ran her hands over her pants. “You live with your brother or what?”

  “Yes, he and I are roommates.” I was pretty sure I was using the term correctly. It had been a long-time hobby of mine, listening in on stranger’s conversations to learn the lingo of the time period.

  “Where is it that you live?” I liked the fact that she’d asked me that. It meant that she wanted to know more about me. Even if it was on a subconscious level that she didn’t comprehend at all. Yet.

  “We have a home deep in the woods that our father left us.” It occurred to me that she would know of all dwellings in the forest, so I added, “It’s underground.”

  “Wow.” Her eyes danced. “I know this might sound crazy, but I’ve always dreamt of having an underground home. I saw this movie once where all the homes were built under the ground and it intrigued me so much from that day on that I’ve made many drawings of what I would like to live in one day in the future. I’m too young to worry about such things yet.”

  I’d asked her age before, but she’d refused to answer. It wouldn’t hurt to ask again. In a different way this time. “So, you’re about twenty-five then?”

  “I turned twenty a few weeks ago. On my birthday, I moved into my own tiny efficiency apartment. I’d saved money for six months to get into my own place.” Taking a seat next to me on the cold ground, she looked up at the sky as a few stars had come out. “I’ve worked since I was fifteen. My dad died last year, and Mom had been wanting to leave our home. It was too hard for her to live there without Dad. I’m the youngest of three. My brother and sister live in Transylvania and Mom went to live with my sister’s family when I got my own place.”

  “So, you’re sort of alone now.” I felt bad for her about that.

  “I could’ve gone with her. They all wanted me to come with her. But I love the park and I love the work I do here. Plus, I’ve been the baby all my life and wanted the chance to get to be a grownup for once. I doubt you would understand.” Leaning back on her hands, she gazed at the night sky. “So, tell me what’s wrong with you that has you not being married.”

  “Wrong with me?” Does something have to be wrong with me for me to be a single man?

  “Yeah. I’m not sure because you’ve got so much hair, but you look to be in your mid-thirties.” Giving me a quick glance, she went on, “And men around your age generally have a significant other – even if it’s just a girlfriend.”

  “Well, I just haven’t found the right girl for me yet is all.” My age was nowhere near what she’d guessed. But the age she’d come up with would work for me. “And I am thirty-three.”

  “Yeah, I thought you’d be around that age.” Shrugging, she said, “Way too old.”

  “Too old for what?” I had no idea what she could possibly think that I was too old for.

  Rolling her eyes, she sighed. “Look, I’ve seen you looking at me with romance in your eyes. But you’re just too old for me, Zanthe. So, let’s get on the same page here. I sort of like your crazy personality. It’s different. And I like to collect all kinds of friends. The more interesting a person is, the more I like to be friends with them. I’ve got people of all ages and backgrounds who are my friends. It makes for an interesting life.”

  I didn’t want to be her friend. But it was a start. “So, how about we become friends then?”

  “Well, can you stop thinking about kissing me?” Her grin was sexy even though I didn’t think she meant it to be.

  No way. No, I cannot stop thinking about kissing you, Crina. “Sure.” She didn’t have to know everything that was happening in my brain.

  Since it seemed as if the idea of me living in an underground home intrigued her enough to give me her friendship, I had to come up with an idea to make our cave look as if it was an actual underground home. Freedrick would be perfect for the job.

  “Great. See, I’m sort of a rare case. I don’t consider myself a late bloomer. I do consider myself to be waiting for the right person to enter my life before I begin thinking about romance and the other stuff couples do.”

  “Yeah, you’re a virgin, I know.”

  Slowly, her head turned. Narrowed eyes glared at me. “And how would you come to think that you know that extremely personal detail about me?”


  But I played it cool. “It’s the way you act.”

  The glare left her face then she looked back at the sky. “Oh. Yeah, I do act weird most of the time. Everyone tells me that.”

  At least she knew she wasn’t an average female. “I like the fact that you’re secure with being just who you are.” No wonder I scented this particular female.

  Taking off her backpack, she unzipped the bag then pulled out a half-empty bottle of water, then tossed me a full bottle. She sipped hers and as she did, the sweet scent she gave off blossomed all around her. “The cold night air feels great. I love the cold. Do you?”

  “I adore it.” And I adore you, Crina Loveanu.

  “As I’ve said, Zanthe, I have lots of friends of all ages. Tell me what you like in a woman and I might have someone who would be perfect for you.” Punching me in the arm, she laughed. “It’s pretty obvious that you’re out on the prowl. You might as well prowl around someone who wants you to.”

  “Yes, you’re right.” She should know what I wanted in a woman anyway. It would help her to become what makes me happy - once she figured out that mating with me was inevitable and that she would want to do it. “I like girls with dark black hair. The blacker, the better. And I like to look into eyes that are brilliant with vivid colors. She must be a go-getter. She must know what she wants and not be afraid to go after it and take it. And she must be curvy too. In this cold region, bony females don’t contribute any warmth.”

  “You’ve just described me, Zanthe,” skepticism laced her voice. “Was that your intention to lure me in? Or is that all the truth?”

  Holding up my hands, I gave her my most honest expression. “That is the truth, Crina. And I’m not sure who told you that a man my age is too old for a woman your age, but they were wrong. Age doesn’t matter where romance is concerned.”

  Shaking her head, she quickly disagreed. “It does matter. I’ve got a lot of growing up to still do. You’re already grown. When a younger person gets with an older person there are gaps in their generations that get in their way.”

  That wasn’t going to be a problem for me since I’d studied each new generation so I could fit in. “I can tell you what sort of things interest you. I’m very sensitive to the younger generation.”

  Sitting up, she crossed her legs – one over the other – then gave me her full attention. “What do you think I am interested in?”

  “You care about the whole planet.” I knew that for a fact.

  “Yes, but who doesn’t?” Then she shook her head. “Oh, yeah. Most of the rest of the population. It’s crazy, man. The older people just keep on wasting resources like they will keep renewing all on their own. What are people my age going to do when we have no more gas to run our cars? Not that anyone over forty cares a lick about that. We need green energy. We need renewable energy. But most of all, we need the things we use now to be able to use these energies that have to be developed much fur
ther for us to be able to use them on a continuous basis.”

  “You are preaching to the choir, my dear.” I was all for the same things she was. “And you care about other people and their feelings.”

  “As should everyone.” Throwing up her hands, she seemed to be getting set up to go on a binge. “Humans are emotional beings. Yet, throughout the years we’ve been taught not to show our emotions, lest we are deemed lunatics who can’t control themselves.”

  “I agree with you one-hundred percent.” And I did too. I wasn’t just making it up to win her over. “In times of war, we are to be strong as we send our children away from our borders to fight enemies. When our loved ones come home in bits and pieces in boxes, we are to hold our heads high and show everyone how proud we are that our son or daughter has given their life for such a noble cause. And while those things are all well and good, they are not the only emotions attached to such a thing.”

  “I know!” Standing up, she shook her fist in the air as passion took her over. “There is worry. There is love. There is fear. And so many other emotions as well. But we are to show strength when we send them off to die! How cruel! How dishonest! How insane!” Huffing, she turned around to look at me. “Am I ranting?”

  “Only a bit. But it is worth ranting about.” I stood up too, holding my fist in the air. “Allow me to join you in this rant. How ludicrous to think that only one emotion can be shown in a time such as the one when you send a child off to war. Are we robots? I think not. Are we dead inside? Not me.”

  “Me neither.” Her shoulders raised as she took in a deep breath, then they slowly fell as she released it. “Ah, that felt good, Zanthe. I like getting things off my chest. Thank you. You’re okay.”

  “So are you.” Looking at the lights of the parking lot, I knew the night was getting on. “I suppose I should walk you to your car.” Kidding her, I nudged her shoulder. “Is it a gas-guzzling, planet-killing machine?”

  “I drive an electric car, thank you very much.” The pride she had over that was evident in how she held herself. “I do all I can to protect the environment.”